Watercolor Easter Advent Flash Cards - Our Handcrafted Life

Watercolor Easter Advent Cards – How to Teach Your Kids About Easter

Teach kids about Easter in a beautiful, meaningful, Christ-centered way with Watercolor Easter Advent Cards.

Watercolor Easter Advent Flash Cards - Our Handcrafted Life

Easter is a beautiful season of contradictions – joy and pain, new life and death, beauty and sorrow. And especially in a world full of Easter bunnies and chocolate eggs, it can be tricky to teach kids about Easter in a meaningful, Christ-centered way. 

Watercolor Easter Advent Flash Cards - Our Handcrafted Life

After seeing beautiful Advent calendars around Christmas time that talk about the days leading up to Jesus’ birth, I thought it might be helpful to create a similar resource for the Easter season.

Watercolor Easter Advent Flash Cards - Our Handcrafted Life

Of course, I wanted the cards to be lovely for families and helpful for parents. So, I designed a set of Watercolor Easter Advent Cards and I’d love to gift them to your family.

Watercolor Easter Advent Flash Cards - Our Handcrafted Life

Free Printable Watercolor Easter Advent Cards

On the front of each card, you’ll find a simple illustration that represents a moment in the Easter story – starting with Palm Sunday and ending with the resurrection.

Watercolor Easter Advent Flash Cards - Our Handcrafted Life

On the back of each card, you’ll find a Scripture reference that you can read as a family, a discussion question, an activity, and a song or hymn. 

Watercolor Easter Advent Flash Cards - Our Handcrafted Life

How to Use the Easter Advent Cards

First of all, don’t feel like you have to use every piece of the cards every day – they just have suggestions to help your family dwell intentionally and celebrate together.

Watercolor Easter Advent Flash Cards - Our Handcrafted Life

Second, the discussion question and activity are geared towards younger kids – preschool or early elementary. If you have older children, you may just choose to use the Scripture reference and song or create meaningful discussions and activities for your family.

Watercolor Easter Advent Flash Cards - Our Handcrafted Life

I like to use the cards as an advent calendar – pulling it out each day, talking about the Scripture, singing together, and hanging them one by one on a string. You can do that one at a time for the two weeks leading up to Easter. 

Watercolor Easter Advent Flash Cards - Our Handcrafted Life

If you’d like to follow the Easter story in real time, you can use this schedule which follows the Easter week more closely (You will celebrate Palm Sunday on Sunday, the cross on Friday, the waiting on Saturday, and the resurrection on Sunday.)

  • Sunday (before Easter): One (Palm Branch)
  • Monday: Two (Coins) / Three (Last Supper)
  • Tuesday: Four (Garden) / Five (Rope)
  • Wednesday: Six (Sunrise) / Seven (Basin of Water)
  • Thursday: Eight (Crown of Thorns) / Nine (Cross)
  • Friday: Ten (Darkness) / Eleven (Earthquake)
  • Saturday: Twelve (Burial Cloths)
  • Sunday: Thirteen (Stone) / Fourteen (Resurrection)

   Watercolor Easter Advent Flash Cards - Our Handcrafted Life Watercolor Easter Advent Flash Cards - Our Handcrafted Life Watercolor Easter Advent Flash Cards - Our Handcrafted Life

More than anything, I hope this is a resource to encourage remembrance and celebration in your home.

Click Here to Download the Easter Advent Cards 

Note: Print the Easter Advent Cards double-sided in color on cardstock or heavy weight paper. Make sure they are set to print with the long edge binding and you can optionally use a rounded corner punch to get the rounded corners.

Watercolor Easter Advent Flash Cards - Our Handcrafted Life

8 thoughts on “Watercolor Easter Advent Cards – How to Teach Your Kids About Easter”

  1. Thankyou for these cards, it helped to talk about easter with my 6 year old . The songs are super helpful! Thanks!

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