Merry Christmas! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas season full of joy, rest, and great food. We will be taking some time off from posting during the holidays to enjoy our family (and visit Disney World!), but I can’t wait to share 2018 with all of you.
We have lots of exciting things planned in the new year (You might even get to see our finished kitchen renovation…only a few months after we started!)
I wish I could send you all a lovely and thoughtful Christmas card, but the cost of postage alone would pay for a new car. So, I hope you’ll forgive me, but I will have to settle with sharing a few of my favorite photos of our little family this year.
The picture that would have gone on our Christmas card.
Our little man celebrated his first birthday!Our little girl had her 3rd birthday American Ninja Warrior style!This year was all about Moana in our house, so we went as Maui and Moana for Halloween.Helping his dad in the garage.Always baking, making, and fixing!Of course, 2017 was the year we made the big move to officially become Our Handcrafted Life, so Daniel became an invaluable member of my team.Do you all have any Christmas traditions? My husband is a worship minister, so Christmas is the most hectic time of year for us. Because of that we stick with pretty simple traditions, watching Elf as a family, going to see some Christmas lights, and eating Chinese food after Christmas Eve service at church.
We hope you truly enjoy Christmas this year and we’ll see you in 2018!
1 thought on “Merry Christmas from Our Handcrafted Life!”
What a wonderful year!