Happy Thanksgiving! While we should be thankful year-round, there is something special about setting aside an entire day to be thankful. I have so many things to give thanks for, but here are ten things (some goofy, some very personal) that I am incredibly thankful for in 2014.
1. Our sweet girl
She was born in February of this year and has completely flipped our lives upside down in the best and craziest ways possible. I barely remember life before becoming a mom (that may still be the lack of sleep talking), but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
2.Our families
As a result of my own feelings of inadequacy, I tend to pick apart conversations, analyzing every detail to find what I need to change as a result of the conversation (instead of accepting the love and grace that is actually being offered). Well, the beginning of motherhood is one of the times you can feel most inadequate (those “helpful” parenting books don’t help!), thankfully you are also too exhausted to put up walls or pick anything apart. My family, especially my mother and mother-in-law, spent hours listening to my fears, calming my tears, and reassuring me over and over again that I was not only capable, but succeeding at being a mom. It was largely because of their relentless love that I can be a confident mother today (most of the time!). It has also been so fun to watch my entire family love on, spoil, and pray diligently for our little girl.
Just a few of the amazing women who pour into my life!
3. Friends
This has been a very humbling year. I have never needed people or needed help quite as much as I have in the last eleven months. From bringing meals to babysitting, going out to dinner to trips to Canton, I have loved spending time with friends this year. I have realized just how much my friends care for my little family and it has been overwhelming at times. When you live so far away from family, it is easy to feel lonely when you’re experiencing major life change, but our LifeGroup and a group of women I love very much have shown me more love than I ever thought possible.
4. Our church
This has been an amazing year at Valley View. I have loved watching God move in our church and seeing how much we can affect change in our community. This month we celebrated our 50th Anniversary and just this last week, we were able to fund and package over 30,000 meals for the hungry through Stop Hunger Now. I love being apart of the moving and growing body of Christ.
This was my hubby and I in HIGH SCHOOL! Can you believe it!?
5. My partner-in-crime
This year, we celebrated five years of marriage. I have loved watching my husband’s role transform from husband to father. He has fallen completely in love with our daughter and I have fallen even more deeply in love with him because of it. Aside from the challenges of fatherhood, he has also taken care of me more than I ever thought possible. He has shown me so much grace and compassion as I try to figure out what it means to be a stay-at-home mom.
Alright…enough with the sap! Here are a few more (silly) things I am thankful for!
7. Pandora Radio
Sweet girl is mesmerized by Disney songs, even during the worst times, so I could not be more thankful for Hamuna Matata, the Bear Necessities, and little singing crabs! Bonus: It is SO MUCH FUN to watch a grown man singing “A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes” in his best Fairy Godmother voice! 🙂
8. Cheddar Cheese Popcorn
Because it’s amazing…that’s all there is to it!
9. The Office, Doctor Who, and Friends
They made staying awake through the first couple of months of late night feedings possible!
10. Off Buttons
Is there anything more glorious than a toy with lights and sounds that has a hidden little ‘Off Button’? I submit to you that there is not.
Enough about me! Comment below and tell me what you are most thankful for this year!
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A great list of things to be grateful for!
I completely agree! We are so blessed!
You definitely have much for which to be grateful. What a great reminder!
I am thankful for friends and our church too! Don’t know where I’d be without our awesome life group!