New Year’s Resolutions {Plus a Free Printable}

New Years

I don’t always make New Year’s Resolutions – partially because I don’t think they work, but mainly because I forget. Well, this year I am at least checking off resolution number one – making a New Year’s resolution list, ha! Here are the things I am resolving to do…well, at least I resolve to try to do them…or maybe, I resolve to think about trying to do them. You have to start somewhere, right!?

1. Cook more meals at home.

Now that I can confidently make more than two recipes, I am really starting to enjoy cooking. When I think about the financial, social, and health benefits of making homemade meals, I know I need to make it a priority. I made some great strides this last year by making our daughter’s baby food, and I would really like to build on that momentum by making more family meals at home.

2. Make relationships a priority.

Sometimes this will mean saying ‘no’ to things so that I can focus on my family, or it might mean not feeling guilty for leaving our girl with her daddy and going out with the girls, or it might mean stepping out of my comfort zone to form a new friendship. I honestly believe that we are made to be in community and I really want to focus on that this year.

3. Rely on toys less and exploration more.

This is really all about being intentional. When I get overwhelmed with my daughter, I turn to the toys that light up and play songs – basically, toys that engage so I can step back. I still think those toys have a place in our home (because I really like to shower everyday), but I resolve to take her take her outside and provide ways for her to get messy, take chances, and make mistakes. (Ms. Frizzle, anyone!?)

4. Clean something everyday.

I get completely overwhelmed by a giant cleaning list. If I break it down into daily tasks, I am more likely to follow through. So, I will create a manageable cleaning list and try to clean at least one part of my house everyday. The mess is only going to get more severe as our sweet girl starts walking, so I’ve got to get on top of it this year!

5. Feel less guilty.

Sometimes I feel like this just applies to me, but I know it is universal to moms (and women) everywhere. I can make myself sick with feelings of guilt over what I should or shouldn’t be doing. Most of these guidelines are completely self-imposed and have no basis in reality whatsoever, but I still let them eat away at me. I don’t have to feel guilty for needing time by myself, eating that piece of dark chocolate, or taking time to watch Survivor instead of doing the dishes on Thursday morning. I don’t even have to feel guilty if I fail to complete every single one of these resolutions. No more guilt!

There are my New Year’s Resolutions – are you making any for yourself or your family? If you are writing your New Year’s Resolutions, you can download this printable for free to help you get organized!

Click Here to Download the New Year’s Resolutions Print

Free Printable New Year's Resolution List


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