These are the 10 Best Board Books for Baby that mom will love! Reading books to my sweet girl is one of my very favorite activities. She just stares at the pages (or tries to eat them) as I read to her. It is the perfect distraction when she is getting fussy and I love that I am able to share stories with her. My favorite books encourage interaction, include easy sounds, or are just plain fun to read! Because reading the same books over and over (and over and over) can get tiring, here are my Top 10 Best Board Books to add a little spice to your routine!

1. Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? by Dr. Seuss
Let me tell you, Mr. Brown is one impressive man! He makes all kinds of noises. Your little one will laugh at you while you try to replicate a bee’s bzz-ing, a thundering boom, a butterfly’s whisper, and many more. This is one of my husband’s favorite books to read to our daughter and she loves to giggle at his silly noises.

2. Love You More by Susan Musgrave
Love You More was given to me by a friend who is studying to be a librarian and it has become part of our daily routine. This sweet book weaves through the months of the year with a tale of a parent’s love for their child. The rhythm of the poem is gentle and soothing, making this a perfect book before a nap. The illustrations are beautiful and it has just enough sentiment without causing me to dissolve into a puddle of emotions. Basically, it’s an all-around winner!
3. Moo, Baa, La La La! by Sandra Boynton
I love Sandra Boynton! Her books are so bouncy and full of life! This is another animal sounds book, but with a little twist. I won’t spoil it for you, (can you really spoil a book that has less that 10 pages?) but it’s a short book that is one of our favorites!

4. Click, Clack, Moo, Cows That Type by Doreen Cronin
I will admit, this book is more for me than our 8-month-old daughter. It doesn’t rhyme or have fun animal sounds, so it is not her favorite, but it makes me laugh every time. This is a clever book that I’m sure she will appreciate when she’s older, but for now we have it in our repertoire to keep mommy on her toes!

5. Horns to Toes and In-Between by Sandra Boynton
Yes, I know, Sandra Boynton was already on this list, but I can’t help it! Horns to Toes and In-Between is so entertaining! She writes about each body part, but the subjects are (non-scary) monsters who have a few surprises. Disclaimer: my husband does not share my sentiment about this book because it is “not realistic”. I am only able to keep reading it to our daughter if I promise to teach her that her tummy isn’t really fuzzy.

6. Disney Babies
There are a whole line of these vintage Disney Babies books that aren’t readily available online, but I have seen them pop up in used books sales. If you ever see one, snatch it up! They stand the test of time and encourage learning things like counting, shapes, opposites, and rhyming words. A few more of my favorites are Baby Donald Makes a Snowfriend, What’s Missing Baby Daisy?, Baby Minnie’s Busy Day, and Baby Donald’s Day at the Beach,

7. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr.
This is a classic children’s book for a reason – it is beautiful in its simplicity. The pictures are colorful and high-contrast, making it an ideal book for very young kiddos. This was the first book our sweet girl ever really seemed interested in for more than just the taste of the cardboard. She loves to try to feel the animals and anticipates what’s coming next. I love to add the animal sounds and ask questions about each animal on the page. On the last page, I point to each animal as I say its name and she watches my finger intently. That definitely makes it a winner in my book!

8. Oh, the Thinks You Can Think by Dr. Seuss
Oh, the Thinks You Can Think was the first book I memorized after having our daughter because we read it to her so often. The words are silly, the rhyming is fun, and the pictures are bright and colorful. This sing-song book will make its way into your heart…and get stuck in your head!

9. Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb by Al Perkins
This book has an excellent rhythm that will hook children from the first page. I’m pretty sure all children are really just budding drummers, so you might as well encourage them! This is the perfect book to read while bouncing your little one on your lap for some extra fun – and lots of extra giggles!

10. Star Wars: Spaceships
Of course, no list from our family would be complete without a little Star Wars love! We had to introduce our little girl to the ways of the force as early as possible, and this board book is the perfect way to start. It features several ships from the Star Wars galaxy and a noise that they may make. It’s an amusing book to read and fitting for even the youngest Jedis. The force is strong with this one!
Roger has memorized “Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?”. He now recites it from memory!
Daniel and I have found ourselves rapping it in the kitchen while making dinner, ha!